Best Booty Exercise

Best Booty Exercise

Welcome to our Booty Building Exercise Series. Get ready for some tips and tricks to sculpt that perfect booty that turns heads and makes you feel unstoppable. Our first workout is the iconic hip thrust.


First lets learn how to properly do the hip thrust.

  1. Begin by sitting on the ground with your back against a bench and your feet firmly planted in front of your body. You'll need a barbell equipped with a pad for comfort, but if you don't have one, try using a single heavy dumbbell instead.
  2. Keep your lower back and knees stable as you push through your heels to lift the barbell. Extend your hips, focusing on using the power of your glutes rather than your back.
  3. Rise until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, achieving full hip extension. Then, lower yourself back to the ground slowly and with control.


  • Our key goal is to optimize the hip thrust. So before performing the workout, the first step is to warm up and activate those glutes. I would recommend dynamic stretching, dynamic stretching is when you stretch but are in motion, instead of being static. This kind of stretching gets the muscles ready to fire off don't neglect it.
  • Now we are ready to get to the workout, the most important thing you need to remember is control. Since we are working the glute muscle with this exercise remember to keep the glutes as the focus the entire time. Raise the weight up with a 3-2-1 count until you reach your highest point, this is where the fun begins. Clench those cheeks and flex that booty as hard as you can and hold it there for 2-1 count (the burn will sizzle). 
  • Control means we are never letting gravity take over. So when we lower the weight the glutes are clenching, and we are never letting gravity take over, we can now play with the tempo of decline. Go slow; lower the weight from a 5-4-3-2-1 count  (it will burn so good), and at the bottom of that 1 have a slight pause and then begin raising the weight back up. 


If we do that for a quality breakdown of 4 sets of 12-20, I can guarantee you that your booty will feel activated like never before. Feel free to try things out at your pace, integrate some of these aspects into your hip thrust workouts, increase that time under tension, and watch the booty gains come over time.  

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